Colombia close to 100% certified sustainable palm oil export

The Colombia 2020 Palm Oil Barometer shows Colombia reaching 28% certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) production in 2020, and contributing to 38% of the RSPO-certified production in the Latin American region. The main findings of the barometer show higher income for palm oil growers, an increase in sales in the domestic market, and an export of 98% of sustainable oil to the Netherlands (the main export destination). Lastly, the report outlines how sustainable transformation in Colombia’s palm oil sector can be further stimulated. The barometer is developed on a yearly basis in the framework of the joint declaration signed in 2018 between MVO (The Netherlands), Fedepalma (Colombia), IDH and Solidaridad. This declaration aims to increase the trade in sustainable palm oil between Colombia and the Netherlands. More information can be found in this article by Solidaridad.

CSPO in the UK:  Prepared for Partnerships for Forests 

The UK Roundtable on Sourcing Sustainable Palm Oil's Annual Progress Report has now been published. The UK imported 465,000MT of palm and palm kernel oil in 2020. Of this, 71% can be reported as RSPO certified sustainable. An additional 12% of total imported volume is covered by a No Peat and No Exploitation (NDPE) policy. This indicates that progress is being made in other areas beyond merely the purchasing of certified material. In the next 12 months, the UK can continue to strengthen its positive impact at home and beyond its borders. The UK’s main impact will lie in connecting to other platforms, sharing lessons and information - thereby having an impact beyond its own supply chains. You’ll find the full report here.

Leading orangutan conservationists speak out for sustainable palm oil 

This SPOC blog lets leading orangutan conservationists speak out in support of sustainable palm oil. Conservationists include NGOs like Orangutan Land Trust, Hutan, Borneo Futures, Orangutan Conservancy and Sumatran Orangutan Society, among others.  

SPOD article in European Supermarket Magazine

The European Supermarket Magazine (ESM) published an extensive article on the Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue (SPOD), including a quote from Didier Bergeret of CGF Forest Positive Coalition of Action. In this article, titled Sustainable Palm Oil Sourcing – There’s No Excuse Not To Act the key takeaways of SPOD are discussed, including crucial actions to make sustainable the norm, driving positive social impact, and accelerating forest positive action. 

SPOC article in Food Navigator 

In addition to the extensive ESM publication in October on our Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue, a second article was published in Food Navigator. The article describes several topics related to sustainable palm oil. The sender of the article is The Sustainable Palm Oil Choice

New EPOA video: together we can

In order to contact, inspire and persuade potential new members, the EPOA secretariat made a short video in which we invite palm oil producers, refiners, traders, manufacturers and retailers to join our alliance, stressing that together we can create a truthful voice and a consumer market for sustainable palm oil. Please find the videohere.

Social media highlights

2021 has nearly come to an end, and so it’s time to look back at some of our social media highlights of this year. First off, we are proud to share with you that this year we will reach more than 50 million people through the various channels that we use. So what were our biggest successes this year in terms of posts? For LinkedIn, this post about Matim Qaim’s article for SPOC was the most successful. On Twitter, our post which highlights that banning palm oil does not improve sustainability, was a hot topic this year. Our landing pagededicated to providing more information on palm oil and deforestation was our most visited webpage this year. And finally, this post about NDPEtook people by storm on Instagram.