20 October 2022

Securing Sustainability in Turbulent Times

This year, the 4th European Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue (SPOD), will take place on 20 October 2022 in the Netherlands. After two years of digital events, we are very happy that this year’s conference will be an in-person event. The focus will be on accelerating the positive impact of sustainable palm oil in this world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA).

Innovation, legislation and communication

The dialogue is co-organised by RSPO, IDH and EPOA. To drive forward action, we will deep-dive into keyinnovations, legislation, and communication in the sustainable palm oil supply chain.


08:30Registration and coffee
09:15Welcome and introduction
09:30How to change an industry from the inside;
an inspiring story on securing sustainability in turbulent times
09:50Walking the talk: Corporate leadership in sustainable palm oil
10:15Coffee break and networking
11:00Breakout session 1:
Communication: turning up the volume for impact

Breakout session 2:
Strange bedfellows: certification, legislation, and Public Private Partnerships

Breakout session 3:
Innovative ideas: delivering sustainable palm oil now!
11:45Plenary feedback of breakout sessions
12:15Lunch, networking and visit of the Innovation Fair
13:30On certification, market access and social challenges (live stream)
14:30 Mindful music interlude
15:00Plenary closing
15:30Drinks & bites with networking and Innovation Fair (end 17:30)


Confirmed speakers are: Leony Aurora (Tropical Forest Alliance), Irfan Bakhtiar (SPOSI), Christophe Bordin (Ferrero), Mark van Baal (Follow This), Frans Claassen (EPOA), Joseph D’Cruz (RSPO), Muriel Goffard (Kantar), Neil Judd (Lestari Capital), Gary Lewis (NEODA), Karin Kreider, (ISEAL), Marcelo Martins (Cargill), Kamal Prakash Seth (WWF), Renaka Ramachandran (Sime Darby), Michael Rice (ClientEarth), Maxine Roper (Connecting Food), Jusrian Saubara Orpa Yanda (Arconesia), Christine Schneider (Henkel),  Matthew Spencer (IDH), Giacomo Tabacco (Earthworm Foundation), Lanashree Thanda (BC Initiative), Daan Wensing (IDH).

Join the dialoque and register.

For more information please visit the SPOD2022 website.